How to Ensure a Secure IT Network
Internet security is something that every business, large or small, should be thinking about. Whether you have a retail operations head office, you’re a charity / organisation or you have multiple offices across the country, a secure IT network should never be overlooked.
Whilst computer users in the professional world have gotten a lot smarter about computer viruses and most are fully aware of the dodgy emails with attachments we should be avoiding, hackers are just as sophisticated – and so are their tactics.
If you want to make sure your company / organisation does not get tripped up by the risk of hackers, makes sure you think about perfecting IT security.
Image Source: Pixabay
Here are some simple steps:
- The right solutions – before you even think about technical changes, be sure that you have the right security procedures in place. This is mostly just common sense; protect your network and only grant access to those who need it. Make sure every staff member has their own secure password and login and always delete / change passwords when staff members depart from the company. Your server needs to be located in a secure place in your building and always keep it locked at night, granting minimal access to members of the company.
- Use firewalls – never underestimate the importance of firewalls. To have a secure IT network, you need to use both software and hardware firewalls as they can put an ends to incoming threats such as bad files which have been inadvertently downloaded from the internet. A software firewall can also protect your network from any files downloaded outside of your network so you are protected against anything added to your computers from external sources (such as memory sticks or CDs).
- Turn on all security features – this is very important if you want to ensure that you are protecting your IT network in every possible way. Although some security features can be expensive, they will be worth it in the long run.
- Get tamper free solutions – today, there are many ways you can keep your IT network protected from threats and this can be threats within your organisation as well as out. Visit MCL Data Solutions and take a look at the various tamper proof fibre optic cables which offer maximum security. These cables are secure enough to be applied to military IT networks and federal IT networks.